15 June 2024 20.15 uur
Ridder Dessainlaan 65
2800 | Mechelen
Voetvolk / Lisbeth Gruwez & Maarten Van Cauwenberghe

Voetvolk / Lisbeth
Gruwez &
Maarten Van


In Nomadics, eight dancers give voice to nature. After all, that is the place par excellence to unwind, but... what do we give back in return? The performers depict how nature looks back, undergoes our steps and sometimes bites back. Nomadics allows the dancers to become a landscape: sometimes they are a tree, sometimes grass, or human. The intimate entanglement with the music, call it environmental techno, completes the symbiosis.

Or not, because prior to the performance the dancers take a short walking tour, and the audience is warmly but non-committally invited to walk with them. From the stimuli and noise of the highway to the quiet of the countryside, and back. Ending they do on stage, where the paths separate and the performance can begin....


When purchasing your tickets you can register to join the short walk from 19:00. More practical information will follow. 

(c) Danny Willems


BROEK 2024

choreografie: Lisbeth Gruwez • compositie, geluidsontwerp en live muziek: Maarten Van Cauwenberghe • performance: Antoni Androulakis, Artemis Stavridis, Francesca Chiodi Latini, Lucie Domenach, Raoul Riva, Simon Arson, Victoria Rose Roy, Valeria Saija • repetitor: Francesca Chiodi Latini • dramaturgie: Bart Meuleman • lichtontwerp: Jan Maertens • kostuumontwerp: Eli Verkeyn • stagiaire: Emma Meerschaert • productie: Voetvolk vzw  coproductie: KVS – Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg, Perpodium, Julidans, Theater Freiburg & Charleroi Danse • internationale distributie: Materialise - Stéphane Noël • residenties: kunstencentrum Nona, BUDA, Charleroi Danse, Voetvolk Atelier Rubigny • met de steun van: de Vlaamse Gemeenschap & de taxshelter van de Belgische Federale Overheid via Mohow